Alton Sides is an artist born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee. With a background in various mediums, he has devoted his life to creating art. Alton graduated from the Memphis College of Art with a focus on oil painting and art history. He got his start in the business through a traditional apprenticeship routed in classic Americana tattooing, and now pursuing a love for Japanese inspired tattoos.

Shanghai, China 2019

Shanghai, China 2019

He has traveled across the country many times tattooing at conventions, earning rewards for his style of tattooing, and working guest spots at other well respected shops. Alton has carved out his own approach to tattooing in the local scene while working in a shop voted the Best of Memphis multiple years in a row. He has taken on a new chapter in his career at the powerhouse of local tattooing known as Bluff City Tattoo. You can find him and his loyal clientele there laying out large scale work in his unique style.